I was an accidental tourist of MSNBC in 2008 when I was injured and had to keep my foot elevated for 10 straight days in early February. Somewhere in the middle of those 10 days with an elevated foot, I went from being a Keith Olbermann / Barack Obama fan, to an angry democrat who could not believe how the media had mistreated Hillary Clinton.
If you have been harmed by HAMP IN ANY WAY, IT IS BECAUSE OF KEITH OLBERMANN AND MSNBC'S completely biased support for Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton. You would have gotten a fairer shake if Hillary Clinton had been elected president than what we have ended up with.
If you have tears for Keith Olbermann's firing, it should be because it was not done 3 years sooner, and your tears should be reserved for the foreclosed who lost way more under a Barack Obama presidency than they would have lost under a Hillary Clinton presidency.
Remember, Barack Obama has openly bragged about HAMP, defended parallel foreclosure, and even said that even if you had been accepted for HAMP, you were probably going to be foreclosed upon anyways.
Olbermann may have been fired from MSNBC, but it was several years too late to undo damage that should never have happened.
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