Under MHA guidelines, participating servicers must evaluate all eligible homeowners for a HAMP modification before referring them to foreclosure. For those homeowners that were already in foreclosure proceedings, Treasury guidelines require servicers to stop the foreclosure proceedings while the homeowners are being evaluated for HAMP. Should a homeowner not qualify for HAMP (or if the homeowner fails or cancels the modification), participating servicers are required to evaluate that homeowner for alternative loss mitigation modifications, such as HAFA, or one of the servicer’s own modification programs. If a homeowner proves ineligible for an alternative modification, servicers are required to evaluate that homeowner for a short sale or deed-in-lieu of foreclosure.If all of these efforts are unsuccessful, participating servicers may not proceed to foreclosure unless they have issued a written certification to their foreclosure attorney or trustee stating that “all available loss mitigation alternatives have been exhausted and a non-foreclosure option could not be reached.” Only after these steps are taken and the certification delivered, may the foreclosure process proceed.
Seriously, does anybody believe all of those steps mentioned above were followed, and in that order? The mere act of parallel foreclosure happening BEFORE a homeowner can apply for HAMP renders the above statement as being nothing more than words with no weight or bearing of reality, a lie in my opinion.
Without proper knowledge of this whole process, do not let Realtor say they can help you with this process. The best way is you will ask help from an attorney. As a Realtor they are not negotiation experts with the bank, and the time it takes to work on your home is not best use of their time.